Blog Posts

Storytelling is key

Storytelling and writing are my passions and I continuously strive to improve my skills. Have a look at my blog posts which I wrote during my internship at Miron Violetglass as a junior communication professional.

Save the buzz of your garden! Did you know that more than one-third of our world’s food crops depend on the pollination of bees and other insects? Without the pollination by bees our ecosystem and biodiversity would suffer tremendous consequences. Explore how you can make a difference in my blog post written for Miron Violetglass.

The buzz of the bees

“Don’t judge a book by its cover”, is a quote that could not stray further from the truth when it comes to the final purchase decision of your customers. Discover the latest product label trends in my blog post written for Miron Violetglass.

Product label trends